I looked at militarisation and mismanagement (‘Ebola Business’) in the Ebola response in the Democratic Republic of Congo through several articles.
One investigation for The New Humanitarian revealed that the WHO paid millions of dollars to security forces without doing the required human rights due diligence.
This investigation into what local people called “Ebola Business” also revealed kickbacks in the hiring of staff and that Ebola response staff owned cars rented by the WHO. The investigation, funded by the European Journalism Center. It was also published in French in Libération and picked up by the AFP, Washington Post, Irish Times and a UN report.
Another investigation for the New Humanitarian looked at the violence by security forces that escort the Ebola response, how several young people were shot for no good reason, and teenagers who buried their friend fainted under gunshots.
For World Politics Review, I wrote an analysis of the reasons the Ebola virus kept killing for over a year and a half, and led to community mistrust and attacks against health workers.
I also wrote on the history of the Ebola vaccine used in Congo and how a small company made nearly $50 million by buying a patent developed by Canadian researchers working for the government, for the New Humanitarian. If you’re interested in this, I think you’ll like my investigation into the export of thousands of Ebola blood samples from West Africa to the US, France, UK and Germany.
In a lighter article, I reported on the daily struggles of the Ebola response, and my own challenges in reporting on the outbreak.